Henny Penny electric open fryers recover temperature very quickly, and have earned the ENERGY STAR® mark for energy efficiency. Fast recovery translates into higher throughput, lower energy costs and longer frying oil life. Heavy duty stainless steel vats come with a 7-year warranty. Henny Penny open fryers have a built-in filtration system that filters and returns hot frying oil in minutes
Henny Penny open fryers offer high-volume, integral multi-well frying with programmable operation, oil management functions and fast, easy filtration.
The OFE 320 series open fryers are available in 1, 2, or 3-well, full vat configurations. Henny Penny electric open fryers recover temperature very quickly, and have earned the ENERGY STAR® mark for energy efficiency.
Fast recovery translates into higher throughput, lower energy costs and longer frying oil life. Heavy duty stainless steel vats come with a 7-year warranty—the best in the business.
Henny Penny open fryers have a built-in filtration system that filters and returns hot frying oil in minutes.
• 4 heavy-duty casters, 2 locking• Computron™ 8000 control
12 programmable cook cycles
Melt mode
Idle mode
Clean-out mode
Load compensation
Proportional control
Optional filter prompt and customizable filter tracking
16-character digital display with multiple language settings
• Computron™ 1000 control
LED Time/Temp display
Simple UP/DOWN arrows
Accessories shipped with unit
• 2 half baskets for each vat
• 1 basket support for each vat
• Filter screen and filter envelope
Options available separately
Fryer Shortening Shuttle®
Fry well covers
Filter rinse hose